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Staying afloat in Covid conditions requires different marketing strategies.

But don’t give up. The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing. This useful guide will help you market your business effectively during this incredibly challenging time.

And please do get in touch if you’d like to chat. We’re happy to help in any way that we can.

    Download our Recession Marketing Guide and get practical tips on how to market your business effectively and responsibly through the Covid-19 crisis.

    COVID-19 will cause the biggest economic disruption since the second World War. It’s disrupting careers, lifestyles and people’s sense of wellbeing. Good marketing matters now more than ever. But how can you market responsibly during such turbulent times?

    How can you position your product now that your customer’s needs have shifted dramatically? OUr Recession Marketing Guide is a compilation of some of the most successful recession marketing strategies from marketing thought leaders around the world and our 30 years’ experience working with over 200 brands throughout Australasia.

    We hope you find this guide useful and wish you all the best for the difficult journey ahead.